Travels, Life In Albany, 2012

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KTD Monastery in Woodstock, NY. =0= KTD Monastery in Woodstock, NY. =0=
At the KTD the needed to revamp the domitories for less beds (fire marshal concerns it seems). There were only six beds and it was quite spacious, but that meant that the KTD was all full that weekend. At the end of the talk we all received lamala blessings. Here and below are two of my roommates, John (from India and before) and Ben (from Seattle) KTD Monastery in Woodstock, NY. =0=
KTD Monastery in Woodstock, NY. =0= KTD Monastery in Woodstock, NY. =0=
CommerceHub Haloween Celebration. =0= CommerceHub Haloween Celebration. =0=
At CommerceHub one of the principles (along with respect and honesty and such) is having fun along the way. In that line, they have a lot of fun with haloween. The week before they get pumpkins, one for each department, and then have donuts and cider on haloween while the decorated jack o lanterns are judged. They had some really awesome entries. The first prize went to the Camp CommerceHub entry below which had all the makings for smores: sterno, chocolate, and graham crackers. It was from BuySace and was totally awesome. Development did the Stay Puft entry shown here. CommerceHub Haloween Celebration. =0=
CommerceHub Haloween Celebration. =0= CommerceHub Haloween Celebration. =0=
They also encouraged people to wear costumes and about a third to half did. I wore my full dress greys which I had been fitted for when I was 18 and it fit fine. Quite an accomplishment. They judged costumes as well and I got second prize (there were several great costumes as well). CommerceHub Haloween Celebration. =0=
Washington Park Christmas Lights. =0= Washington Park Christmas Lights. =0=
One Saturday morning there was a volunteer meetup to help set up the Washington Park Christmas Lights which I had seen in years past, but never helped set up. Washington Park Christmas Lights. =0=
Washington Park Christmas Lights. =0= Washington Park Christmas Lights. =0=
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This page was last updated on May 18, 2013.