Travels, Return to Texas, 2009

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Denton Habitat for Humanity Build. =0= Leigh and Bud. =0=
In Denton, TX, the Habitat for Humanity does builds most every Saturday and only on Saturdays. They pretty much let anyone volunteer (no sign ups) so I was able to help. I started out teamed up with Bud (shown here) and we put up J-channel on the back, then caulked for a bit and then put J-channel on the side. Then we were joined by Leigh (who had to work in the morning) and she helped up put up continuous soffit (here and above). I was told on the phone that the hours would be 8:30AM to 4:30PM, but when I arrived there were about ten people already working (they seem to have started about 8AM). More people rolled in through the morning to a max of about 25 and then people started leaving early in the afternoon (it got pretty hot and I drank a LOT). I was one of about 8 who stayed until almost 4PM. At the end (from 2:45PM) I worked with Jacob (a young guy in the last picture below). I did get a lot of good exercise and was sore for the next few days. Bud. =0=
Denton Habitat for Humanity Build. =0= Jacob et al. =0=
Dallas Yoga Center. =0= Dallas KTC Center. =0=
On Sunday morning I went to the Tibetan Buddhist KTC (Karma Thegsum Choling) Center in Dallas which is at a new location on Sunday morning at the Dallas Yoga Center shown above. Here is Lamala visiting with the keeper of the yoga shop on the third floor (where KTC meets). Lamala. =0=
Herrera's #1. =0= Ben and Lamala. =0=
After the KTC, I took Lamala and others to Herrera's. In the 1970'S my brother introduced myself and others to a family restaurant with great Mexican food. Its original location was just a converted garage (the size of two or three single garages in an L shape) which has become even more famous with numerous restaurants all run byu family members. Above is the new location of the original (about two blocks from the original location). Also above are Ben and Lamala and here is my brother. That night I stayed with Michael at his new home where he is renting with Fred (below) and his dog Hugho (also below). Michael. =0=
Fred. =0= Hugh0. =0=
Dawa and Tacho. =0= Dawa and Tacho. =0=
I was disappointed that Lamala's wife, Tacho, and daughter, Tashi, were not able to join us on Sunday, but they often don't come to the Dallas Yoga Center, so when I was in Dallas visiting with Michael and then going to the Thursday evening Chinrezig practice, Michael and I were invited to visit Lamala's house before the evening practice. Above are Dawa and Tacho in a candid picture and a posed one. Both look great to me. Here is a picture of Tashi as she was reading to Maureen (below). Tahsi has changed so much since I met her in which is why I wanted to get a more current picture of her. Tashi. =0=
Maureen and I had shared the Chinrezig texts at Bluebunny 2009. Maureen. =0=
Jerry. =0= Christine. =0=
I was able to work at the Denton Habitat for Humanity build and worked with Bud again. We got really good at installing the ventilated soffits. I had wondered why the channels we installed were call J channels, but that is because previously we had installed F channels (where the channel is the top part of the F), but we had run out of F channels and got to install J channels (where the channel is the lower part of the J and the nails go into the top of the J and then into the lookouts which support the roof. J channels tend to bend and so you also put nails into the channel and the wall behind. Above are Jerry and Christine. They are volunteers. Jerry functions as the construction manager while Christine acts as the site manager. Here is the house after the work we did (more siding, painted siding, and, of course, more soffits). The next morning, I was driving to D.C. and a job interview. Denton Habitat for Humanity Build. =0=
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This page was last updated on October 12, 2009.