Life in Portland Area

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Sufi Sky Camp. =0= Sufi Sky Camp. =0=
In the middle of May 2007 I went to the Sufi Dance Sky Camp. In the summer it is a summer camp for kids sponsored by the Kiwanis Club, but on weekends during other parts of the year they use it for other purposes. Above is a view of the main building with a meeting / eating area and kitchen (on the left) and some rooms on the right. It has a really nice view of the Fall Creek Reservoir. It is just outside of Eugene and Loweell, OR. The singles stayed in the newer chalets which were buildings with three rooms with four sets of bunk beds built into each room. THey also had two bathrooms in each building and a common area. Very nice. Sufi Sky Camp Chalets. =0=
Sufi Sky Camp Chalets. =0= Fall Creek Reservoir Trail. =0=
Above is a picture of the Weyerhauser Chalet where I stayed with three other singles. Do you wonder what lumber company supplied much of the lumber to build the chalets? There was also a really pretty trail along the shore of the reservoir. I made a short video of the trail which mostly is the beautiful sounds of a brook. Fall Creek Reservoir Trail. =0=
Fall Creek Reservoir Trail. =0= Sufi Sky Camp Puja. =0=
In the main hall they also had a Puja that was very sweet. Each person was asked to bring an object that was dear to them and for the weekend all those precious objects were there together mingling and improving the spirit of the dances. Then when we went home we were able to take our personal object home with us, taking home the atmosphere of the dances. Wonderful. Here is a picture of Toby who is seriously disabled but loves the human contact of the dance retreat. He is so sweet. Toby. =0=
Sufi Sky Camp Kitchen. =0= Sufi Sky Camp Dishroom. =0=
They had a large kitchen where they made our delicious meals (shown above). They had a buffet line where you could server yourself and they had a dish room where the dishes and pans were cleaned (also above). They asked that people help out and I was able to help in the dish room. It was great fun. This is the main hall where we ate (the near side was set up with tables and chairs for meals) and danced (far section). It was a wonderful experience. We danced and sang Firday evening, Saturday morning, afternoon, and evening and again Sunday morning. The attendees were all so devoted and joyful and the atmosphere got sweeter and sweeter. Truly a wonderful experience. Sufi Sky Camp Main Hall. =0=
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This page was last updated on May 28, 2007.