Travels, Life In Albany, 2012

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Tashi Jong Monastery, India. =0= Tashi Jong Monastery, India. =0=
The next morning we were off to Tashi Jong Monastery. In front the of the Monastery there was a small square we left our cavalcade of private cars and then headed up to the Monastery itself. Just inside the monastery, Dawa explained that we should meet back at the cars at noon. Below is the main shrine with shi-shi dogs before the entrance. Tashi Jong Monastery, India. =0=
Tashi Jong Monastery, India. =0= Tashi Jong Monastery, India. =0=
Tashi Jong Monastery, India. =0= Tashi Jong Monastery, India. =0=
There was also a very nice stupa in front of the shrine. If you notice above the seats for the monks each have some bread and bowls in them for their meals which are served there. Tashi Jong Monastery, India. =0=
Tashi Jong Monastery, India. =0= Tashi Jong Monastery, India. =0=
Tashi Jong Monastery, India. =0= Tashi Jong Monastery, India. =0=
There were lots of prayer flags at the top of the hill and a path up so I promptly started up the hill to insure that I had time to get back by noon. There were some residences along the way and above is an example of a gate made in the traditional Tibetan form with rebar and arc welding (or perhaps it is not so traditional after all). Tashi Jong Monastery, India. =0=
Tashi Jong Monastery, India. =0= Tashi Jong Monastery, India. =0=
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This page was last updated on March 18, 2012.