Travels, Life In Albany, 2011

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Overlook Mountain Trail, Woodstock, NY. =0= Overlook Mountain Trail, Woodstock, NY. =0=
Shortly after my birthday, there was a weekend retreat at the KTD Buddhist monastery outside of Woodstock, NY. As I had worked so many hours, I used the last of my comp days to take Friday off and so had a liesurely morning to head up for lunch and then spent the afternoon hiking on the trail to Overlook Mountain which I had visited previously. There was the abandoned hotel again, but I noticed a newish cell tower. It is pretty close to the monastery, but being on the top of the mountain, the monastery on the side doesn't get very good reception (still). Overlook Mountain Trail, Woodstock, NY. =0=
Overlook Mountain Trail, Woodstock, NY. =0= Overlook Mountain Trail, Woodstock, NY. =0=
Overlook Mountain Trail, Woodstock, NY. =0= Overlook Mountain Trail, Woodstock, NY. =0=
The view from the firetower was still fantastic, but about the same as last year (I didn't make it back in the fall, spring, or summer). However, this is one of the tallest firetowers I have ever climbed, perhaps 80 feet or about 8 stories. It was also very windy making it painful to take the pictures. Burrrr! It had started out about 40 degrees at the monastery but got colder later (and higher) and there were some serious flurries. Overlook Mountain Trail, Woodstock, NY. =0=
Overlook Mountain Trail, Woodstock, NY. =0= KTD Monastery, Woodstock, NY. =0=
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This page was last updated on January 11, 2012.