Life in Portland Area

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Click on any of the little pictures to see it at normal size. Click on the '=0=' after the picture to see it in giant size (about 2 minutes to download on dialup connection and larger than screen size). This could be useful if you wanted to really look at one part of the picture or to make a print.

Crater Lake. =0= Cascade Mountains. =0=
On the return from Crater Lake Cleetwood Cove Trail I noticed a nice reflection of the rim in the lake (above on left) as well as a view of the other mountains in the distance which are part of the chain of mountains which make up the Cascade Mountains. On the way back to our lodge we did the Godfried Glen Hike which was along the Annie Creek gorge, but if we stayed on the trail we could only see the cliffs on the other side and hear the roar of water, but never really saw the water itself. It was a deep gorge shown here. The trail was supposed to be a loop, but as it looped back through the woods we had to turn around as the trail was completely buried in snow and we had no hope of guessing which way it went. At the end of the day we started on the Annie Creek Hike which would have taken us to the mouth of the gorge, but the trail was quite narrow (about eighteen inches wide). With no railings that made Barbara and David nervous, but I was way tired and the mosquitos were pretty bad, so we all decided to forego that hike and went back to a quiet evening at the lodge. Annie Creek Gorge. =0=
Annie Creek Trail. =0= Annie Creek Trail. =0=
Brian. Brian. David.
Above, here and below are some pictures that Barbara took at Crater Lake of me and David. I am glad she took the pictures and shared as it is nice to have pictures of me and David. Now I feel bad that I didn't take more pictures of her. What to do? David.
David. David and Brian.
Crater Lake. Wizard Island, Crater Lake. =0=
These are more pictures that Barbara took. She has a good eye for composing pictures as well as nice camera. Her camera is especially nice for zooming in to get close in view of birds and chipmunks and such (as you can see below). She sometimes had to take several pictures before getting one where the bird or chipmunk was posing just right, but the ones that worked out were great (and it is real easy to delete the ones where the target was gone before she could get the picture). There were also a lot of ground squirrels which are a little bigger than the chipmunk shown here, but otherwise pretty similar. Crater Lake Nuthatch. =0=
Flowers and Moths. =0= Crater Lake Chipmunk. =0=
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This page was last updated on July 27, 2006.