Brian Carr's Photo Album, 1975 Plymouth Plantation, MA

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Plymouth Plantation, MA =0= Plymouth Plantation, MA =0=
We also visited Plymouth Plantation. In New England the schools focussed a lot on the Plymouth Rock colony in Massuchusetts whereas in Texas they focussed on the Jamestown colony in Virginia (13 years earlier). Of course everyone ignored the Spanish settlement at St. Augustine in Florida, 22 years even earlier. I wonder if Florida schools had a more balanced historical time line? Anyway, they had several ships in the style of the ships used by the Puritans to get to Plymouth Rock. Plymouth Plantation, MA =0=
Plymouth Plantation, MA =0= Plymouth Plantation, MA =0=
Plymouth Plantation, MA =0= Plymouth Plantation, MA =0=
At Plymouth Plantation they also had reconstructions of the different buildings and the stockade as well as reenactments. Plymouth Plantation, MA =0=
Plymouth Plantation, MA =0= Plymouth Plantation, MA =0=
Plymouth Plantation, MA =0= Plymouth Plantation, MA =0=
Our houses are certainly more comfortable, don't you think? Plymouth Plantation, MA =0=
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This page was last updated on December 22, 2007.