Bronx Dining Group, Riverdale Diner


Bronx Dining Group, Riverdale Diner

Click on any of the little pictures to see it full size (as big as it goes).
On Jun 14, 2001, we met at the Bronx Diner again. Altogether there were ten of us. Here are Susan (one of the organizers) and Darcy(?). Susan and Darcy. I sat next to Susan and Vic. Here is Vic. He is had been a police offier and now is a social worker. Vic.
My son, David, joined us and took this picture of me (Brian) and Susan. At last, proof that I really do attend these events. Brian and Susan. David took a picture of me and Vic, but I was looking really goofy (typical) and the other picture of me was nicer. So, here's Vic again. Vic.
Bob (?, Darcy's husband?) and Claire (the other organizer of the event) sat opposite Darcy and Susan. Claire is a programmer. This picture did not turn out very well, but I didn't have any be tter. Drats. Bob and Claire. Next to Bob and Claire (left end) were my son David (another programmer) and Marla, a social worker. Bob, Claire, Dave, and Marla.
After dinner I gave plants to various attendees. As I will be travelling, I need to find homes for all my plants (they won't fare well in storage). However, the parking lot was dark so the pi cture is not very good. Group and plants. Here is a better picture of Marla (David was cut out as the other picture was a better picture of him. Marla.
This page was last updated on September 20, 2003.